Carpet Cleaning
“We love pet owners because their 4 legged friends provide us with many opportunities for business However, we at HughesDry derive a great deal of satisfaction in leading our customers on how to help themselves.
Says Larry Hughes founder of HughesDry, carpet cleaning, in Atlanta, ” a major part of our job is educating our customers especially with regard to treating pet accidents”. Whether we conduct business or not with a caller concerned about there pet accidents, we try to impress upon each pet owner to invest in some extra insurance when it comes to pet accidents. That insurance is having a bottle of Sunzyme on hand just in case an accident occurs.
One of the smartest things we did was to include a Sunzyme link on our products page of our web site so customers could order the product. In this way, we never have to inventory the product nor incur the expense of shipping or delivering it to them. Says Hughes “many of our customers are receiving their product the very next day.”
To us this is a win-win situation. Our customers wins because they are using the correct and effective product for their situation. We win because we know the Sunzyme product will not damage the carpet. Secondly the sunzyme product is so effective,we look smart! Says Hughes ” I truly believe that by making it easy for our clients to obtain an effective product and by providing free advice by phone, that our credibility is enhanced that leads to future business.”
-Larry Hughes of HughesDry carpet cleaning, Atlanta,Ga